Answers to all the doubts of our science lovers
1. Did you know that INNER is able to neutralize the molecule 2-nonenal?
The aldehyde 2-nonenal is a natural product of lipid peroxidation of the skin, and is the cause of an unpleasant odor that develops over time. For this reason we have developed an active ingredient capable of neutralizing 2-nonenal, restoring the aroma and natural essence of the skin of your youth.
2. Did you know that INNER is the first perfume to integrate cosmetic ingredients?
INNER contains ingredients that afford cosmetic benefits when applied to the skin. These biotechnological ingredients extracted from ocean microorganisms help to rejuvenate the skin.
3. Did you know that Sirtalice™ is a biotechnological component discovered at a depth of over 3400 meters?
Sirtalice™ is an active ingredient patented by PRIMA-DERM/LIPOTRUE that comes from the ocean depths of Reunion Island, and is present in our OCEAN line.
Sirtalice™ is able to recharge the skin, reinforce its cohesion and produce a revolutionary lifting and V-shape effect. It moreover stimulates the synthesis of proteins related to mitochondrial respiration and energy production.
Discover all the science of Sirtalice™
4. Did you know that Seadermium™ stimulates dermoepidermal cohesion?
Seadermium™ is an active ocean ingredient from the coral reefs of Reunion Island, and is present in our CORAL line.
Seadermium™ reinforces the integrity and cohesion of the skin, and moreover thickens the epidermis and stimulates the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans, which are important for skin cohesion and hydration.
Discover all the science of Seadermium™
5. Did you know that INNER can stimulate natural regeneration of your skin?
Your skin is an element of communication with other people. To reinforce the external appearance of the skin and which is reflected inside, we have developed the INNER BODY ESSENSATIONS line of products.
This line affords 24 hours of hydration for your skin, improving its elasticity and resistance. This lotion caresses and hydrates the skin, leaving elegant touches of odor through inhibition of the bad body odor caused by lipid peroxidation and 2-nonenal.
6. Did you know that INNER is the first 0% alcohol perfume?
Alcohol destroys or distorts lipid arrangement in the horny layer – the protective barrier of the skin – causing percutaneous toxicity and favoring the appearance of skin alterations and eczema.
To avoid these negative effects, we have replaced alcohol with an aqueous matrix that affords longer duration of the product in the skin, with continuous and homogeneous perception of the perfume for many hours.
7. Did you know that INNER is the first perfume with antiaging science?
The innovating technology of the active ingredients that neutralizes the molecule 2-nonenal defines INNER as a true revolution, since it is the first perfume with rejuvenating properties to appear on the market.
Thanks therefore to its biotechnological active ingredients obtained from the ocean, the peptides that inhibit bad body odor and the ocean molecules, INNER not only affords prolonged perception of the perfume but also produces a rejuvenating effect that helps improve our self-confidence.
8. Did you know that INNER produces a special connection with your surroundings?
The ocean essence of INNER is able to recover the natural aroma of your youth when applied to the skin. This odor and emotional harmony is transmitted to the people around us through the amygdala of the limbic system of the brain, generating a broad range of smell sensations.
The induced effects vary from one person to another, though thanks to neutralization of the molecule 2-ninenal, INNER generates a sensation of empathy and attraction in our surroundings.
9. Did you know that INNER is a pioneer in biotechnological cosmetic research?
The Malaspina expedition travelled 42,000 nautical miles around the world, collecting water samples in the Indian Ocean. During this voyage, ocean microorganisms were discovered and collected, making it possible to obtain new and surprising active ingredients.
The PRIMA-DERM/LIPOTRUE group, through an agreement with the Spanish CSIC, holds the world exploitation rights to these results.
For this reason, INNER offers exclusive active ingredients that have surprising effects, with a broad range of potential applications.
10. Did you know that INNER has a Long-Lasting effect?
Thanks to dispersion of the ocean essences in the sustained release matrixes, perception of the odor of the essence is maintained for much longer.
11. Did you know that INNER is the first Eau de Parfum with anti-free radical properties for our skin?
One of the ingredients of INNER neutralizes 4-hidroxynonenal, which is a free radical (specifically, an RCS: Reactive Carbonyl Species), produced in the epidermis by lipid peroxidation, and which destroys the structural proteins of the skin: collagen, laminin and elastin through the formation of Schiff bases. By neutralizing this radical, INNER acts upon our skin as a genuine antiaging product.
INNER PARFUM is a SKIN CARE perfume line developed by PRIMA-DERM/LIPOTRUE, a leading group in cosmetic innovation.